The consortium is composed of eleven experienced institutions from seven European countries. The project partners (beneficiaries) are supported by integrated stakeholders (non beneficiaries) with significant knowledge of the world wide spices and herbs markets including all levels of production and sale. This unique consortium includes partners from industry, academia and food authorities. It has been selected to achieve a balanced network of experts comprising different areas along the spices and herbs supply chain being able to find problem-solving approaches for securing the spices and herbs commodity chains in Europe against deliberate, accidental or natural biological and chemical contamination.
Project partners
- Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), Germany
- Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria
- Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment, Latvia
- DLO Foundation – RIKILT, the Netherlands
- FUCHS Gewürze GmbH, Germany
- National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Hungary
- RTD Services, Austria
- University of Limerick, Ireland
- National Agricultural and Food Centre, Slovakia
- Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and NBC-Protection, Germany
- Wageningen University – Laboratory of Food Microbiology (FHM), the Netherlands
Integrated stakeholders
12. European Spice Association, Germany
13. Fachverband der Gewürzindustrie, Germany
14. Van Hees GmbH, Germany
15. Kräuter Mix GmbH, Germany