Workpackage 2
WP 2: Matrix Chain and Modelling
To characterize the heterogeneous matrices of spices and herbs and their respective intra- as well as interplant production and supply chains in context with relevant biological and chemical hazards that can lead to major deliberate, accidental or natural contaminations in the food supply chain.
To systematically collect and evaluate information on spices and herbs producing operations as well as on hazards with the potential for natural, accidental and/or deliberate spices and herbs contamination. Accompanying, an identification of vulnerable points in the spices and herbs production chain as well as an assessment of survival capacities of agents will be performed. Additionally, the most relevant spices and herbs matrices and agents for deliberate and natural contaminations will be identified.
The EU market is one of the largest and most complex markets for spices and herbs in the world. Spices and herbs are contained in almost every processed food, including ready-to-eat products, and are used by the consumer for flavouring purposes. The absence of further processing steps at the end of the production lines highlights the relvance of a hygienically proper product.
Analysis of the current status of supply and processing chains will enable the evaluation of a possible spread. Combined with investigations on standard inclusion rates of spices and herbs and dose response estimations, risks and potential interventions will be determined.
Workpackage leader: KEKI
Task 2.1 Categorization of spices and herbs relevant biological and chemical hazards
Task 2.2 Development of an agent, matrix and chains database
Task 2.3 Predictive microbiology – estimation of agent survival capacity in consideration of processing, transport and storage of condiment products
Task 2.4 Status quo of spices and herbs supply chain (in Europe and Third countries) and detection of vulnerable points
Task 2.5 Description of respective spices and herbs production characteristics and detection of vulnerable points
Task 2.6 Investigation of standard inclusion rates of spices and herbs in food and exposure assessment for selected agents in risk products
Task 2.7 Evaluation of on-site sampling technologies and statistic