Workpackage 5
WP 5 Prevention and Response
To improve alerting, reporting and decontamination systems as well as techniques to ensure prevention and response on high quality level.
The aim of this workpackage is to evaluate the possibilities and limitations of available mechanisms within the spice and herb supply chains to improve prevention and response to foodborne incidents caused by biological and chemical contaminations of condiments.
Foodborne incidents should be recognized as soon as possible to prevent further spread. This needs an effective monitoring program. In case of a foodborne outbreak or exceeding of regulatory limits the identification and tracing of commodities is most relevant and thus should be accomplished promptly.
Record and reporting mechanisms for commodity flows and food safety hazard data will be investigated on the basis of legal regulations and private quality management systems. Moreover, RASFF-data and governmental monitoring systems will be evaluated for their suitability as alerting and early warning systems within Europe. Currently available decontamination methods for spices and herbs as well as for production facilities will be investigated and evaluated. Decontamination protocols will be collected and allocated in a database.
Workpackage leader: BfR
Task 5.1 Alerting mechanisms – Possibilities and limitations of RASFF
Task 5.2 Reporting mechanisms (including data record systems) according to law and private QM systems – Best practice
Task 5.3 Recommendations for an effective monitoring system for most relevant hazards in the spices and herbs chain
Task 5.4 Guidelines for differentiation between natural and intentional incidents
Task 5.5 Database on decontamination methods including legal aspects
Task 5.6 Evaluation of available means and techniques for decontamination of production plants and spices
Task 5.7 Rapid implementation of new detection methods on the market