< Annual Newsletter #2
13.07.2015 12:13 Age: 9 yrs

Second Annual Meeting and Workshop

The second annual meeting took place from 6th to 7th of July 2015 in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

The location of the second annual project meeting was RIKILT Wageningen UR at Wageningen Campus. All project partners joined the session and also the fine dinner at "Hotel de Wageningsche Berg".

The "Spices, herbs and authenticity/fraud workshop” was held on the 8th of July 2015 in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The workshop was very attended with 56 participants.  Those in attendance represented not only the SPICED consortium, but also several actors from Dutch industry, government, and research. The aim of the workshop was to highlight fraud and authenticity detection and targeted and untargeted screening methods in spices and herbs. Achievements within the SPICED project, to date, were also well-highlighted.

Project partner RIKILT Wageningen UR, BfR and BIOR organized the seminar.

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