30.11.2015 08:59 Age: 9 yrs

Third Work package meeting and Workshop

The Third SPICED Work Package Meeting at NAFC/VÚP in Bratislava, Slovakia

From 23rd to 24th of November, the last Work package meeting within the SPICED project took place at the National Agricultural and Food Centre (VUP) in Bratislava. All partners supported this gathering and for each work package the work done and the ongoing tasks for the last period of the project were presented.

At the end of the first meeting day, the consortium was guided through the city of Bratislava. The joint dinner was a fitting conclusion of this day.

The workshop "Methodologies to identify biological hazards in spices and herbs" on the 25th of November was well attended and well-presented from the SPICED consortium and experts from various Slovakian governmental and research institutions. The aim of the workshop was to highlight the latest achievements on optimisation of biological hazard diagnostics with regard to the difficult matrices of spices and herbs. 

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