DLO Foundation – RIKILT
DLO / RIKILT – Institute of Food Safety, DLO

RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, as part of the DLO foundation of the Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands is an independent non-profit institute. It conducts research regarding the detection and identification of chemical contaminants in food and feed, and the interactions of these substances within the food chain.
The institute contributes to the monitoring of production chains, the safety, authenticity and quality of food and feed, the assessment of the transfer and toxicity of chemical contaminants in the food chain, supply chain, quality management, and the identification of emerging risks.
Furthermore, RIKILT is the European Reference Laboratory (EURL) for hormones and National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for pesticides in cereals and food of animal origin, mycotoxins, marine toxins, heavy metals, dioxins and dl-PCBs, PAHs, veterinary drugs, animal proteins, milk and milk products, water content in poultry meat, as well as for feed additives.
The DLO contributes to the workpackages 2, 4, 5, 6