Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, AGES

The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety is a government owned company attached to the Austrian Federal Ministry for Health and to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.
They are able to cope with problems concerning safe food production from soil to fork, effective control and prevention of epidemics for people, animals and plants and providing effective and safe pharmaceutical products. AGES is the primary driving force in Austria in the pursuit of higher standards in veterinary medicine and works to prevent and fight infectious diseases in humans. A main task of AGES is risk assessments and risk communication in the field of food and health safety of human, animals and plants.
The department of Microbiology in Innsbruck is listed as accredited testing laboratory according to standard EN ISO / IEC 17025 at the national accreditation body at the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (BMWFJ) and represents the priority institute for spices, spice mixes, ready-to-eat products, tea and infusions within the AGES Institute.
The AGES contributes to the workpackages 2, 3, 6